Tulips in Snow
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Spring has arrived! Here in Colorado, it blew in on the 50-mph tail of a 23-inch snowstorm. Because spring never fails to impress, temps have been ricocheting around the Fahrenheit scale like a pinball machine. Meanwhile, the sun’s been trying to hide like a kitty-cat dodging a mountain lion on the loose. With all these fits and starts, we find ourselves in a classic spring pattern: it’s winter, no it’s spring, no, it’s below freezing; oh wait, now it’s raining; nope, snowing, but hold on it’s melting as soon as it hits the ground!
While the word equinox means a time which shares equal amount of day and night, the weather of the spring equinox is anything but balanced. These abrupt shifts often mimic our emotions, or vice versa: I am organized and have tons of plans, no, wait, I am tired and want to lay low. Ok, now I am going to whip through all these projects. Hold on, I don’t even want to think about moving a muscle. I am enthusiastic, I am angry, I am renewed by everything. No, now I am frustrated by everything.
How does one create equanimity amid this chaos? Support your liver. Spring is all about the liver, and the gall bladder. Also, spring corresponds with the eyes, our ‘vision’, clarity, plans, and action. If you drink alcohol, consider cutting back or possibly even stopping for a few weeks. Avoid fried food. While it nay not sound like the most appetizing thing compared to fried food and alcohol, sip on some roasted dandelion root tea. Down a dropperful of milk thistle tincture a day. Eat an arugula salad, toss some watercress into your favorite soup. Or for a quick snack, keep an eye peeled for those tender dandelion leaves popping out of the ground in your front yard. Delicious! Right? 😉 With cleansed livers, hopefully, we’ll all feel like bursting forth to welcome spring in all its rebounding splendor.
For a spring treatment, contact DeVore Acupuncture. Zoom or phone sessions also available.